Print any number of books, as often as you need
Advancements in digital book printing technology have made it both possible and affordable to print books in small quantities—even as few as a single copy. For larger orders, starting at 400 copies, we transition to traditional offset printing, which significantly lowers the cost per unit. Whether you need just one book or a bulk order, we’ve got you covered with flexible and cost-effective solutions.
On-demand book printing or offset book printing?
When it comes to printing books, magazines, or academic papers, we utilize two primary techniques: print-on-demand and offset printing. While we won’t overwhelm you with the technical intricacies, here’s a straightforward breakdown:
Print-on-demand (PoD)–sometimes called digital printing–functions similarly to a home printer, but on a much larger scale. Files are sent directly from a computer to the printer, making the process quick, straightforward and almost fully automated.
Offset printing, on the other hand, is a more mechanical process. It involves creating printing plates, which transfer ink onto a rubber blanket before pressing it onto the paper. While this method requires more setup, it’s ideal for large print runs due to its cost efficiency at scale. Although offset printing has higher initial costs from plate creation, the price per unit decreases significantly with larger quantities, making it more economical for bulk production.
In essence, printing books on demand is perfect for shorter print runs, offering flexibility and efficiency, while offset printing excels in handling high-volume projects. Let’s dive deeper into the benefits of each method below.
Printing books on demand
Printing books on demand offers exceptional flexibility. By keeping your inventory small, you minimize financial risk while gaining the freedom to update your book’s cover or manuscript as needed. This approach ensures your content stays current without the burden of managing excess stock. It’s particularly beneficial for educational materials like textbooks or training manuals, where accuracy and relevance are key. Additionally, this flexibility opens up opportunities for personalization, such as customizing your book’s cover to suit specific needs.
How long does it take to print books on demand?
At 24bookprint, we work exclusively with printers that specialise in book printing. These printers do not produce flyers, business cards or posters, but focus entirely on books, using the most modern techniques. This commitment to craftsmanship guarantees high quality books, and we’re proud of that. Printing paperbacks typically takes 2–4 working days, with delivery requiring an additional 1–2 working days.
Hardcover books are slightly more complex and take 1–3 working days longer on average. Once your order is received, we start printing immediately, and you’ll receive an email with a tracking code as soon as your books are shipped.
What does it cost to print your book on demand?
Our ambition is to keep the price of printing single copies of books and magazines as low as possible. We want to enable everyone to make and print their own books. When ordering 3 copies or more, we’ll apply a cumulative bulk discount.
Here’s an example using the following specs: A5, paperback, black & white, white paper (80 g), 60 pages:
1 - 2 | 3 - 9 | 10 - 49 | 50 - 99 | 100 - 249 | 250 - 499 | 500 + |
£6.60 Per book | £5.97 Per book | £5.44 Per book | £5.16 Per book | £4.91 Per book | £4.66 Per book |
How long does it take to print books with offset printing?
Offset printing typically takes longer than digital printing due to its more complex setup process. Printing plates must first be created and then mounted onto the press. Additionally, paper needs to be sourced and prepared, while printer capacity must be scheduled in advance. As a result, offset printing usually requires a lead time of 2-3 weeks.
If you need a lot of books quickly, we’d recommend digital printing. If you need a lot of books but aren’t in a rush, then go for offset!
How much does an offset print run cost?
The more books you print, the lower the cost per copy—just as you’d expect. While the initial setup costs of offset printing are relatively high (due to the need to create and mount printing plates), this method becomes highly efficient once those steps are complete. For larger print runs, the cost per copy can be significantly lower than with on-demand printing. Typically, this cost advantage kicks in around the 400-copy mark, making it the ideal point to switch from print-on-demand to offset printing. Planning a large print run and wondering about the costs? Let’s help you find out! Get in touch with us!
That’s all there is to it!
At 24bookprint, we bring your ideas to life with custom book printing tailored to your needs. Whether you’re creating a single copy or a thousand, paperback or hardback, we can make it happen. From family histories and novels to textbooks, theses, or cookbooks, we’re here to turn your vision into reality.
Our platform is designed to make the process seamless, and we take great pride in the exceptional quality of our books. Every order is handled with care to ensure your books reach you and your customers quickly and in perfect condition.
Have questions or feedback? Contact us anytime—we’d love to hear from you!