Print and bind your biography
Who needs fiction, when real life is so much more interesting? Whether it’s an autobiography or the life story of a friend, family member or historical figure; people inspire other people. We’ve put together a few templates that we think work well for biographies.
Template ideas for your biography
Template 1
With this template, your biography will give a stately impression. The downside is that it’ll cost more to print. On the other hand, if the person in question is important, the book should reflect that.
Template 2
This template is a solid choice for a biography. Slap a hardcover on it to ensure that it’ll look great for years to come! You can always skip the colour to save some money.
Template 3
This template is cheaper to print than the others, which can come in handy if you don’t care about bells and whistles, or if you’re looking to sell your book as well.
Biography cover ideas
The biographies that don’t feature their subjects on the front cover are few and far between. It makes sense; the person the biography is about is the ultimate draw for potential readers. Prospective readers probably won’t pick up the book if they don’t care about the person it’s about. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to present the subject of your biography in an intriguing way to arouse interest.
The following cover mockups are dead easy to create using our cover designer.

A big photo that demands attention and a bold font and colour combination is really all you need to make a slick, modern biography cover. This cover promises fascinating stories, profound insights, and heaps of inspiration.

If you can’t or don’t want to use an image of the person you’re writing about, you could go the minimalist route. You could, for example, use the cover to showcase a compelling quote by or related to the person you’re writing about. Font and colour choices are even more important than usual here. Aim for a combination that really demands attention. Text placement will help with this as well.

Biographies are historical by nature, but some more so than others. If you’re planning on writing a biography about a long-dead historical figure, it’s probably a indicate this on the cover. This will make it easier to attract the right target audience. Serif fonts and more classic use of the cover image will do the trick here.